Sunday, 17 August 2014

Visualization Meditation

Visualisation Meditation 
Meeting Your Spiritual Guide

This is a guided meditation designed to assist people who are new to the new age field and it aids in spiritual development.

Many people find it difficult to focus during a meditation or are unable to persist with meditation it is an important aspect of everyday spiritual development it takes discipline.

For those that are new to meditation i will give you a exercise to build up discipline and focus before you attempt the visualisation meditation and once you have gain confidence in this aspect you are ready to move onto the visualisation meditation.

There are two basic techniques you can use to enhance discipline and focus.

The First Exercise

1. Find somewhere it is comfortable and you are wearing loose clothing, have bottle of water next to you, make sure you aren't tired when attempting meditation that has no value, Turn your phones off Finally make sure you have an alarm clock and set it at 10mins at first.

2. Place some nice gentle music on or you can do it in silence.

3. Once you are comfortable, but not enough to fall asleep, Just gently close your eyes and begin to focus on your breathing, breath in for 3 secs and then releasing again, Breath In for 3 secs and then release again, if might feel uncomfortable at the start, but over time you will begin to do it naturally when meditating.

4. Just continue to focus on your breathing, if you get pictures, images, noises, feelings etc, don't try to interpret them, just let them pass. Because all this exercise does is to understand your breathing and allowing yourself to focus, its a very basic exercise, as you became more confident and disciplined you can gradually extend the time. 

It takes approximately 10 minutes for your body to begin to relax into a deeper state

 Beta (14-40Hz) – The Waking Consciousness And Reasoning Wave and we eventually want to be achieving Alpha (7.5-14Hz) – The Deep Relaxation Wave

For the above to occur we need to be aiming to achieve 25-30mins meditation just like any sporting exercise you would do, we attend training and do strengthening exercise this is what we are doing.

5. Once your time is up, don't just jump up, just sit still for a few moments.

The Second Exercise

This is a very basic exercise, its primarily to strengthen your mind's ability to focus.

1. Find a strong burning candle, you are going to use this item to assist you in your exercise.

2. Light the candle, make sure its not near curtains or going to fall over, i suggest a large well rounded candle.

3. Find a comfortable place to seat, generally about 3-5 metres from candle in a lounge chair.

4. Don't close your eyes, just focus on the candle flickering, Look at the flame and slightly around it.

5. Once you have spent few minutes looking at candle, now just close your eyes and you should be able to see the candle with your eyes close, this needs to be done immediately after looking at candle with eyes open, if you can't see the candle in mind, then u need to attempt to do it again with eyes open, it takes patience and helps with visualisation and focus.

6. Once you have successfully completed the above two exercises, you are ready for my next exercise, which requires 30 minutes, once the above exercises are done, meditation wont be as difficult as there are many types of meditation and techniques.

Meeting Your Spiritual Guide Meditation

This exercise is a visualisation meditation and teaches to heighten your vibrational level to be able to connect with your spiritual guides, which are on a lower vibrational level then family members, Ascendent masters, Ancestors and other people's spiritual helpers.

The reason why these spiritual guides are on a lower vibrational level is because they are regularly working with you daily, sometimes even without you knowing and they generally stand between your astral auric field and spiritual auric field, don't worry if you don't quite understand that its not a exercise that requires you understand it, this exercise is about expanding your auric field and taking you to a place to actually meet your spiritual guides that is safe and protected. You will be require to create a place in your minds eye that is safe and protected and warm, bit like when a friend comes over and you share your stories and have a cuppa.

1. Hopefully by now, you are able to meditate for at least 30 minutes and your breathing technique is sorted. Follow the pre-list outlined in Exercise 1.

2. As this is a guided meditation, you have a couple of options to go about it, you can record the guided mediation on a CD disc just simply us your own voice by repeating the meditation, you can also memorise the guided meditation in your mind which is the easiest and follow the technique, so it depends how you would like to go about it.

3. Now that you are ready to begin, i will type the meditation below to take you on your journey, its a very easy method of meeting your guides.

Guided Meditation

You can lay down or sit up during this meditation, Now just lay down and begin your breathing, as you begin to feel more relaxed gently close your eyes.

I want you to begin to visualise a path in front of you, As the path begins to be clear in your mind, just look down at the ground and try to notice what the path looks like,

Once you begin to feel comfortable start slowly walking down the path, you don't need to rush here, have a look what is on the sides of the path, Look also above you? can you notice the weather? or the clouds, or a breeze?, Take a deep breath and release, Continue to walk along this path until you came to a crossroad.

Here you may stop for the moment, Take another deep breath as you begin to feel more relaxed, Now you may choose which direction you want to go, don't worry you won't get lost, you will be guided to which direction to turn, remembering you are safe and protected.

Which ever direction you take, i want you to continue along the path until you come to a old hut, that has wooden sides, solid wooden door, just stop there and just look around the out side.

Now come to the actual door, Don't go in as yet, i want you to say a small invocation


I call upon, may spiritual guides, May you hear my call,
 I am ready to go forth with, On my spiritual journey,
I wish to invite my spiritual guides so we may connect on this very day,
May our journey together be wonderful and joyous time.
I walk in perfect trust and perfect love
So now our connection is complete.

Once the invocation is complete, you may enter the room, no need to be frightened or fearful as you are always protected.

As you enter the room, you notice a wooden bench and two chairs, take a sit and just relax for a little bit, use this time to look around the hut.

Once you are comfortable, you may ask your guide to comfort forward and have a sit alongside you. Your guide might not appear immediately, So don't be disappointed, you might not see the guide, you might feel they are there, Or smell perfume or get a overwhelming feeling of being loved.

It might take a few attempts with this meditation, as unless you have been working on expanding your auric field it might take awhile, the more you try this meditation the more comfortable you will feel.

Written By Michael Barnett

Celestial World Australia