Sunday, 17 August 2014

Visualization Meditation

Visualisation Meditation 
Meeting Your Spiritual Guide

This is a guided meditation designed to assist people who are new to the new age field and it aids in spiritual development.

Many people find it difficult to focus during a meditation or are unable to persist with meditation it is an important aspect of everyday spiritual development it takes discipline.

For those that are new to meditation i will give you a exercise to build up discipline and focus before you attempt the visualisation meditation and once you have gain confidence in this aspect you are ready to move onto the visualisation meditation.

There are two basic techniques you can use to enhance discipline and focus.

The First Exercise

1. Find somewhere it is comfortable and you are wearing loose clothing, have bottle of water next to you, make sure you aren't tired when attempting meditation that has no value, Turn your phones off Finally make sure you have an alarm clock and set it at 10mins at first.

2. Place some nice gentle music on or you can do it in silence.

3. Once you are comfortable, but not enough to fall asleep, Just gently close your eyes and begin to focus on your breathing, breath in for 3 secs and then releasing again, Breath In for 3 secs and then release again, if might feel uncomfortable at the start, but over time you will begin to do it naturally when meditating.

4. Just continue to focus on your breathing, if you get pictures, images, noises, feelings etc, don't try to interpret them, just let them pass. Because all this exercise does is to understand your breathing and allowing yourself to focus, its a very basic exercise, as you became more confident and disciplined you can gradually extend the time. 

It takes approximately 10 minutes for your body to begin to relax into a deeper state

 Beta (14-40Hz) – The Waking Consciousness And Reasoning Wave and we eventually want to be achieving Alpha (7.5-14Hz) – The Deep Relaxation Wave

For the above to occur we need to be aiming to achieve 25-30mins meditation just like any sporting exercise you would do, we attend training and do strengthening exercise this is what we are doing.

5. Once your time is up, don't just jump up, just sit still for a few moments.

The Second Exercise

This is a very basic exercise, its primarily to strengthen your mind's ability to focus.

1. Find a strong burning candle, you are going to use this item to assist you in your exercise.

2. Light the candle, make sure its not near curtains or going to fall over, i suggest a large well rounded candle.

3. Find a comfortable place to seat, generally about 3-5 metres from candle in a lounge chair.

4. Don't close your eyes, just focus on the candle flickering, Look at the flame and slightly around it.

5. Once you have spent few minutes looking at candle, now just close your eyes and you should be able to see the candle with your eyes close, this needs to be done immediately after looking at candle with eyes open, if you can't see the candle in mind, then u need to attempt to do it again with eyes open, it takes patience and helps with visualisation and focus.

6. Once you have successfully completed the above two exercises, you are ready for my next exercise, which requires 30 minutes, once the above exercises are done, meditation wont be as difficult as there are many types of meditation and techniques.

Meeting Your Spiritual Guide Meditation

This exercise is a visualisation meditation and teaches to heighten your vibrational level to be able to connect with your spiritual guides, which are on a lower vibrational level then family members, Ascendent masters, Ancestors and other people's spiritual helpers.

The reason why these spiritual guides are on a lower vibrational level is because they are regularly working with you daily, sometimes even without you knowing and they generally stand between your astral auric field and spiritual auric field, don't worry if you don't quite understand that its not a exercise that requires you understand it, this exercise is about expanding your auric field and taking you to a place to actually meet your spiritual guides that is safe and protected. You will be require to create a place in your minds eye that is safe and protected and warm, bit like when a friend comes over and you share your stories and have a cuppa.

1. Hopefully by now, you are able to meditate for at least 30 minutes and your breathing technique is sorted. Follow the pre-list outlined in Exercise 1.

2. As this is a guided meditation, you have a couple of options to go about it, you can record the guided mediation on a CD disc just simply us your own voice by repeating the meditation, you can also memorise the guided meditation in your mind which is the easiest and follow the technique, so it depends how you would like to go about it.

3. Now that you are ready to begin, i will type the meditation below to take you on your journey, its a very easy method of meeting your guides.

Guided Meditation

You can lay down or sit up during this meditation, Now just lay down and begin your breathing, as you begin to feel more relaxed gently close your eyes.

I want you to begin to visualise a path in front of you, As the path begins to be clear in your mind, just look down at the ground and try to notice what the path looks like,

Once you begin to feel comfortable start slowly walking down the path, you don't need to rush here, have a look what is on the sides of the path, Look also above you? can you notice the weather? or the clouds, or a breeze?, Take a deep breath and release, Continue to walk along this path until you came to a crossroad.

Here you may stop for the moment, Take another deep breath as you begin to feel more relaxed, Now you may choose which direction you want to go, don't worry you won't get lost, you will be guided to which direction to turn, remembering you are safe and protected.

Which ever direction you take, i want you to continue along the path until you come to a old hut, that has wooden sides, solid wooden door, just stop there and just look around the out side.

Now come to the actual door, Don't go in as yet, i want you to say a small invocation


I call upon, may spiritual guides, May you hear my call,
 I am ready to go forth with, On my spiritual journey,
I wish to invite my spiritual guides so we may connect on this very day,
May our journey together be wonderful and joyous time.
I walk in perfect trust and perfect love
So now our connection is complete.

Once the invocation is complete, you may enter the room, no need to be frightened or fearful as you are always protected.

As you enter the room, you notice a wooden bench and two chairs, take a sit and just relax for a little bit, use this time to look around the hut.

Once you are comfortable, you may ask your guide to comfort forward and have a sit alongside you. Your guide might not appear immediately, So don't be disappointed, you might not see the guide, you might feel they are there, Or smell perfume or get a overwhelming feeling of being loved.

It might take a few attempts with this meditation, as unless you have been working on expanding your auric field it might take awhile, the more you try this meditation the more comfortable you will feel.

Written By Michael Barnett

Celestial World Australia

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Ancestral Walk

                                          Ancestral Walk

We all walk this plane, our spirits wander these lands.

We are the protectors, for our knowledge and wisdom can be shared with those that seek this knowledge.

Learning to understand ones self is a starting point which takes time and patience.

We don't possess all the answers, this land were the water meets the shore, The trees highest point and the highest mountain peaks that sit above the clouds and the beautiful reflection of the moon shining on a still lake.

Answers don't always seem as clear as one may think, Answers come in many forms and ways that one can connect with.

For anons we search for knowledge, we seek wisdom and understanding.

Allow yourself to be open and messages will be received, Sometimes we need to engross ourselves with nature to hear the whispers of our ancestors, Let their voice be carried through the wind, let the rain purify our soul and let the earth connect with us to this place you call home.

We hear your prayer, We see your pain and we know you are trying with a pure heart.

As the sunsets and the moon rises and the waves rattle our shores, we call upon our ancestors to walk with us in perfect love, perfect trust and may your memories forever shine upon our souls.

So Mote It Be

Love and Light

Many Blessings 

Michael Barnett 

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Spiritual Message


So how do you define yourself? Do you believe what other people say about you?
Are interesting questions, do we really know ourselves or is just mirage added by todays confusion.
Everyone is unique, we see the world differently, so would that change if you decided to go deep within yourself and be honest with your spirit.

Challenges of today are more difficult, so hard it can leave your own image of you as a person deeply lost.

It doesn’t matter what your job title, race, sexuality, is or if you live on the street homeless, sometimes people who have reached the darkness point in one’s life.
Can gradually begin to climb up from the bottom, sometimes we fall over before we can learn to walk again.

Unless we can stop the negativity and harm we bring to ourselves, Things happen for a reason, sometimes they are painful, emotional and can cause great lost to one’s spirit.

People spend so long searching for answers or explanation’s on why this happened to me, what have I done to deserve this? Is all common effect of things such as death, relationship ending, money issues, health and family concerns.

We focus so much on the negativity then we begin to only see and attract negativity.
Few things we can’t change that are enviable are death, tax and weather.

We are the only species on earth that knows we are eventually going to die sometime; no one knows when or how just that it’s going to happen.

If we worried about that everyday nothing would get done.
We add extra stress on ourselves and we lose connection with your inner spirit.
Being alive is a far greater gift, given to us. So why don’t we start looking deep within yourself and working on a change.

A change only needs to be small, and gradually other people begin to follow, we live in a small world.

It’s amazing how we meet people in our lives at different stages in our life and they seem to come just at the right time. To lend that support and shoulder to cry on if needed or a stranger says something out of the blue and its exactly what you needed to hear at that time, Some call it consciences but is really or a way of your inner spirit connecting with the right people?

So why don’t you find the time to relax and connect with your inner spirit, don’t allow the time to fly pass as our time on this earth is relatively short.

Ways You Can Connect With Inner Spirit

1.   Slow Down, Don’t Rush, Be Still

2.   Go for a walk, Connect with nature its beautiful

3.   Instead of watching TV, Put on a relaxing CD and close your eyes

4.   Have a nice warm bath

5.   Take some time off work, give a yourself break

6.   Make a Nice meal and share with family

7.   Read a Book in bed

8.   Catch up with friends, who know they might need you or might need them.

These are just a few ways to connect with your inner spirit; it’s all very simple if you make the effort to establish the connection with yourself.

Everyday our family’s members who have passed over they watch over you giving you the spiritual hug that you might need when you are thinking about them, they might have passed over, but they have only left their physical shell behind, their spiritual essences remain and lives on.
Hold the memories of our loved ones close to your heart, but don’t be afraid to share their memories with others as well.

You might not be able to see them, or touch them, but their love always remains strong.
I hope you all have enjoyed reading this quote from spirit, I wish everyone a blissful and beautiful spiritual journey whatever you want to do in life I know that the ancestors, spirits, gods, goddess and family in spirit remain close to you and may they guide you onto your own path.

Many Blessings, Love and Light

By Michael F Barnett

Monday, 7 July 2014

Understanding Herbal Empowering


Elemental Magic to use: Air & Earth
Planet: Saturn
Empower when moon moves into Capricorn or Aquarius
Elemental Magic to use: Fire
Empower when is moon moves into Aries Or Leo, Can also empower it when the moon is your sun sign – your sun sign defines your personality depending on zodiac sign
Elemental Magic to use: Water
Empower when moon moves into Cancer, Can also do it if moon is in your natal moon sign (Meaning where Moon was at the moment of your actual birth)
Elemental Magic to use: Air & Earth
Planet: Mercury
Empower when moon is in Gemini or Virgo
Elemental Magic to use: Fire & Water
Planet: Venus
Empower when moon moves into Sagittarius or Pisces
Seeds and Peels
Elemental magic to use Air & Earth
Planet: Mercury
Empower when moon moves into Gemini or Virgo

Elemental Magic to use: Air & Earth
Planet: Venus
Empower when moon moves into Taurus or Libra

Herbal Empowerment's are used for several methods all have different properties
Ways you can use your herbs once gathered or brought from shop, remember if u take an herb from a plant or tree in the wild make sure u leave something in replace as a sacrifice and always ask gods and goddesses for permission before removing herb.

The following things you can use to create your own bit of magic.


Making your own incense with herbs is great fun and there is no right or wrong way to make incense as long your intentions are pure, you will still need to make sure you use the correct incense magical properties’ to enable the spell to work.  The best way to make incense is by using a mortar and pestle, that can easily be attained in most kitchen shops or new age/occult stores with in your area. Once you have got the herbs you wish to use mash them up in the mortar and pestle and put your own energy into mixing the herbs together, once they finely mashed the aroma should be quite strong. You can store the mixture in jar in cool and dark environment , make sure you label it, so u know what u put into it and double check before mixing herbs that it’s what u require. We all learn as we go along and let the gods, goddesses and ancestor’s guides you. Incenses are used mostly for rituals and can be sprinkled if u have made a fire during the ritual or u can find a heat proof jar u can find them at new age shops as well and make sure u grab yourself some charcoal tablets from the store as well, so u can sprinkle it on charcoal tablet. Please don’t use normal bbq charcoal as its dangerous and doesn’t work and can lead to severe burns, Even the charcoal tablets are very hot so always put your safety first. Love and Light.


Herbal sachet bags are commonly used to hang in the house for example to expel evil from the house you would use combination of small crystals and herbs such as Onyx and Magnetite, adding herbs such as (Lavender, Rosemary and Sage) to this aids in empowerment. You can create any type of sachets to put in car, place in your handbag, under your pillow it’s a very versatile why of introducing magic in convenient ways and can made up pretty fast and easy.

Tea Brews

Most people enjoy a nice cuppa tea; it’s refreshing and can make a variety of flavours to suit the individual’s needs.
When attempting to make tea brews and u wish to drink or give to someone else you need to make sure what you are adding as some herbs are poisonous and can interact with some medications so always consult a Naturopath or Doctor before sipping a home brewed tea.
We all know the basic tea brew of Chamomile and honey in warm water to sooth our nerves and help with rest. Just some points to follow and understand.
1.   Make sure you understand what the herbs you are putting in the tea.
2.   Consult Naturopath or Doctor if concerned or on medications
3.   If you are using herbs from herb shop, make sure u drain the herbs with a strainer so your tea isn’t full of herbs on the bottom of cup
4.   I usually make my tea on stove top with tea pot that is specially used to make your tea and heat up.
5.   Let the herbs soak, bring to boil and use strainer to remove leaves.
6.   Let it cool down a little bit and then enjoy your home brewed tea. You can let it cool down and have Iced Tea is refreshing as well.
7.   You can get the same effect from the aroma of the tea. So you don’t always have to drink the actual tea.

Making a Tea brew is pretty easy as long as you follow the basic guidelines.


Making oils is pretty straight forward as well, you can use a variety oils depending on what oils you are making whether that is consecrated oils, Aroma Oils or Massage oil for your body.
Depending on the oil can be quite expensive, so shop around when looking for the ideal oil to use.
Making oils can take a little bit of time and some versions of oil require it to sit for a while to gain full effect.
For Aroma Oils I use strong fresh flowers such as Lavender, Jasmine or Canola Flower. I usually get the small vials that aromatherapy oils came in; once it’s used it still has the scent of the aromatherapy oil which enhances the scent. So basically u grab the required herbs and use your mortar and pestle to grinded the herbs place them in vial or jar (The Jar must have a tight lid on top) otherwise the oil can degrade. The longer you leave the aroma type oils the stronger the scent becomes over time as long its keep in cool place and you can use the moon to recharge the oil, I don’t usually recommend to leave it in the sun for too long as it can damage the oil. To get the aroma scent u need to warm to room temperature by rolling it in your hands if you are using the vials
Place the correct oil in the vial you might need to do a bit of research as there is lots of information out there. I personally use Olive Oil, Canola Oil or Grape seed oil it varies depending what country u live in as well regarding price.
Common body massage oil is Sweet Almond Oil you can add your herbs that don’t effect the skin again you need to check on the herbs you are using, Sweet almond oil is a little bit oily but your skin does absorb it fairly fast and its natural.


In the old traditions such as druidry and shamanic they used the effect of smoking herbs for therapeutic healing as well as ways to connect with the ancestors ,dream walking and connecting with your inner most spiritual self. Sometime smoking herbs was also used for divination and prophecy.
Again unless you know what the herbs are used for, I don’t recommend inhaling the herbs.
The only herb that I tend to inhale if required is mugwort, which is seldom and only use for specific purposes.
Safety is the up most importance along with a solid based knowledge of herbs.


This is a common practise to maximise the effects of the herbs that you place in your bath.
Generally you use mixture of fresh and dried herbs to assist with what you are trying to achieve, for example to attract self-love I would use a combination of rose petals variety of colours and lavender.
So basically you run a nice warm bath place the rose petals and lavender in the bath and let them soak in the water, you then slip into bath, and you can say an affirmation of empowerment and just lay down close your eyes and relax it’s very soothing and private.
You might want to light a candle either scented or plain and play some music in background and let the magic happen.

Again I sound like broken record, but it’s important to understand what herbs you are placing in bath as certain herbs can irritate the skin and have adverse effects.
So you wouldn’t be putting hot herbs like chilli, pepper, poisonous herbs or stinging herbs that hurt when mixed or touched, so do your research well, if you are unsure, feel free to ask me or send an email and I’ll be happy to help you out.
Herbs can be broken down as
Hot Herbs – Generally speaking Pepper, Poisonous, Chilli, Sting Herbs, those types that can interact with your body.
Cool/Gentle herbs these herbs are generally ok, just double check they could be herbs such as Jasmine, Lavender, Rose Petals, Meadowsweet, Sage, Basil, Rosemary to name a few

I Hope this is helpful, the above information has come from my experiences, and knowledge as well as a mixture of resources.

Wishing you all the best on your spiritual path I hope it is full of enlightenment and enjoyable.
May the Ancestors walk along side you and share their wisdom and knowledge and touch your very heart.

Love and Light, Many Blessings

Michael Barnett 

Celestial World Australia

Saturday, 5 July 2014


                                 Reflections -

Everyday we tend to judge a book by its cover before we read the introduction, Sometimes we became so rapped up in our life we tend to let the world fly past. Spirit tells us our body , mind and spirit are a complete temple. But sometimes we break down, either mentally, spiritually or become ill. Sometimes it is our own doing other times we become sick or ill, spirit sends their love and healing out to all those that are in need.

Let us stop just for a minute, step in front of a mirror and look, and ask yourself is this the person i want to become or how can i change to connect with my inner temple.

Say something positive to yourself, and actually mean it, i can tell u it wont be as easy as it sounds, because as well as we judge other people we tend to judge ourselves worse,

Everyone is made different, brought up in different families, religious backgrounds, jobs, friends and even our enemy which proves to be ourselves.

We tend to reflect our negativity onto other people rather then loving ourselves and loving other people for being different.

Give yourself to spirit, walk along side them so they can show u the beauty u have within yourself, and perhaps then u can see the love and beauty in other people.

For what ever our purpose is on our spiritual path its important to be true to yourself and respect yourself, allow spirit to show us all the deeper connection.

May Our Ancestors teach us new lessons everyday :) Bless It Be

Love and Light - Many Blessings
Michael Barnett

Monday, 30 June 2014



So what is Spirituality? Is it what you believe in? Is it your chosen path? Or is what others want you to believe in ? Are all interesting questions.

In this page i wont be telling you what you should be doing, because there is no correct answer, This page is designed to look deeper into your spirituality and see what answers you come up with for yourselves not other people.

Spirituality for me means establishing a balance between life and my inner thoughts so i can connect evenly with my mind, body and spirit all working together as one.

Wisdom and Knowledge is gift given to us all, its not necessarily a right, Our own spirituality focuses on the aspects of self discovery which isn't quick and easy process it takes many life's journeys to understand about our inner soul and where we have been and came from and its about finding ways to unlock that mystery to understand more about ourselves.

To many times people are judged on this plane, by the job they do, their race, sexual orientation,family,friends,money and our past mistakes.

During that process we tend to believe what others want us to believe in and we lose our own identity and soul, we become something we probably don't want to be like and placed in a box.

This is where our spirituality helps us to understand why we are like that, and gives us the chance to find ourselves to better ones life for themselves not someone else.

Their are many ways to establish a connection with your own spirituality,

1. Meditation
2.Writing Down Anything could be emotions, feelings, dreams, or even a question.
3.Research your own path, So you have a understanding and then make your choice.
4.Look around your own friends network and see where you fit in.
5.Your immediate Family
6. Finding a inner purpose for this life
7.Walk in Perfect trust and Perfect Belief
8. Enjoy what life has to offer
I will continue to add on this page and add more information
Love and Light - Many Blessings
Written By Michael Barnett

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Auric Cleansing And Protection Exercise

Auric Cleansing and Protection

This is a very easy exercise to do everyday, This exercise is designed to assist with protection and other peoples energy effecting us and it assists in removing all negativity.

1. When u wake up in the morning and have your shower this is the best time to do it.  Stand in shower close your eyes and relax:) visualizing the water running down your body and letting all the negativity go down into the drain spend  minute or two visualizing this.

2. Once you are happy, then u can begin the exercise. First colour to visualize is the colour Yellow starting from the tips of your toes working slowly up to your head, (so your whole body is covered in yellow) The colour yellow represents - Protection. Once that is complete moving onto your next colour.

3. You do the same as above except changing the colour to Silver, again starting from tips of toes working your way up to your head, Hold the colour. The colour silver deflects all negativity away from you. Once u are comfortable we move onto the final colour.

4. You do the same as above except changing the colour to Pink, Again starting from tips of toes working your way up to your head, Hold the colour. The colour Pink represents unconditional love. Once you have completed the colour just spend a few minutes on visualizing or saying a strong positive affirmation.

This exercise takes a little time to getting use to it and remembering to do it, But once its done a few times it becomes second nature, its important to maintain the exercise as energy effects people differently and can effect life in general, work, family, friends, relationships and decisions.

Love and Light , Many Blessings


Friday, 27 June 2014

Learning From Spirit - Freedom


Ask yourself, So what is freedom? How do you define Freedom?

Freedom is something we all can take for granted, Everyday we are free to leave the house, catch up with friends, enjoy a nice meal out as the list goes on.

The next question to ask yourself, Is what would you do if  you couldn't choose on what you wish to believe and choose your own path? Where would you be in 5yrs from without that aspect of life.

Spirit doesnt make you believe or follow them, why you might say that is not because of freedom of speech or your choice.

Its because your spirit is as part of you as much as your brain or your beating heart with out those two working together you wouldn't be alive.

Spiritual essence is just as natural as the air we breathe, Its always around us, we all mightn't be able to see that its the invisible energy that is around us and it can effect us in the way we feel or make choices.

Sometimes you might go shopping and you come back home exhausted that's not because you shopped the house down, its because other people's energy can transfer onto our own.

Its important to look after your spirit it holds many memories from the past to now, Your spirit has traveled even thou you might haven't physically traveled.

Without our spirit to guide us, help us, comfort us, share their wisdom and knowledge its just like losing your freedom and building a prison for yourself.

Your spirit is uniquely different to anybodies else it holds many answers you might seek and connects us with like minded people to learn from but its important for you to seek and find your own path of enlightenment, it may take many life times but unless you connect and look after your spirit you might find yourself lost within the mists and your spirit is there to make life easier to go through rather then on your own.

Love and Light

Many Blessings

Michael Barnett