Sunday, 13 July 2014

Spiritual Message


So how do you define yourself? Do you believe what other people say about you?
Are interesting questions, do we really know ourselves or is just mirage added by todays confusion.
Everyone is unique, we see the world differently, so would that change if you decided to go deep within yourself and be honest with your spirit.

Challenges of today are more difficult, so hard it can leave your own image of you as a person deeply lost.

It doesn’t matter what your job title, race, sexuality, is or if you live on the street homeless, sometimes people who have reached the darkness point in one’s life.
Can gradually begin to climb up from the bottom, sometimes we fall over before we can learn to walk again.

Unless we can stop the negativity and harm we bring to ourselves, Things happen for a reason, sometimes they are painful, emotional and can cause great lost to one’s spirit.

People spend so long searching for answers or explanation’s on why this happened to me, what have I done to deserve this? Is all common effect of things such as death, relationship ending, money issues, health and family concerns.

We focus so much on the negativity then we begin to only see and attract negativity.
Few things we can’t change that are enviable are death, tax and weather.

We are the only species on earth that knows we are eventually going to die sometime; no one knows when or how just that it’s going to happen.

If we worried about that everyday nothing would get done.
We add extra stress on ourselves and we lose connection with your inner spirit.
Being alive is a far greater gift, given to us. So why don’t we start looking deep within yourself and working on a change.

A change only needs to be small, and gradually other people begin to follow, we live in a small world.

It’s amazing how we meet people in our lives at different stages in our life and they seem to come just at the right time. To lend that support and shoulder to cry on if needed or a stranger says something out of the blue and its exactly what you needed to hear at that time, Some call it consciences but is really or a way of your inner spirit connecting with the right people?

So why don’t you find the time to relax and connect with your inner spirit, don’t allow the time to fly pass as our time on this earth is relatively short.

Ways You Can Connect With Inner Spirit

1.   Slow Down, Don’t Rush, Be Still

2.   Go for a walk, Connect with nature its beautiful

3.   Instead of watching TV, Put on a relaxing CD and close your eyes

4.   Have a nice warm bath

5.   Take some time off work, give a yourself break

6.   Make a Nice meal and share with family

7.   Read a Book in bed

8.   Catch up with friends, who know they might need you or might need them.

These are just a few ways to connect with your inner spirit; it’s all very simple if you make the effort to establish the connection with yourself.

Everyday our family’s members who have passed over they watch over you giving you the spiritual hug that you might need when you are thinking about them, they might have passed over, but they have only left their physical shell behind, their spiritual essences remain and lives on.
Hold the memories of our loved ones close to your heart, but don’t be afraid to share their memories with others as well.

You might not be able to see them, or touch them, but their love always remains strong.
I hope you all have enjoyed reading this quote from spirit, I wish everyone a blissful and beautiful spiritual journey whatever you want to do in life I know that the ancestors, spirits, gods, goddess and family in spirit remain close to you and may they guide you onto your own path.

Many Blessings, Love and Light

By Michael F Barnett

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