Monday, 30 June 2014



So what is Spirituality? Is it what you believe in? Is it your chosen path? Or is what others want you to believe in ? Are all interesting questions.

In this page i wont be telling you what you should be doing, because there is no correct answer, This page is designed to look deeper into your spirituality and see what answers you come up with for yourselves not other people.

Spirituality for me means establishing a balance between life and my inner thoughts so i can connect evenly with my mind, body and spirit all working together as one.

Wisdom and Knowledge is gift given to us all, its not necessarily a right, Our own spirituality focuses on the aspects of self discovery which isn't quick and easy process it takes many life's journeys to understand about our inner soul and where we have been and came from and its about finding ways to unlock that mystery to understand more about ourselves.

To many times people are judged on this plane, by the job they do, their race, sexual orientation,family,friends,money and our past mistakes.

During that process we tend to believe what others want us to believe in and we lose our own identity and soul, we become something we probably don't want to be like and placed in a box.

This is where our spirituality helps us to understand why we are like that, and gives us the chance to find ourselves to better ones life for themselves not someone else.

Their are many ways to establish a connection with your own spirituality,

1. Meditation
2.Writing Down Anything could be emotions, feelings, dreams, or even a question.
3.Research your own path, So you have a understanding and then make your choice.
4.Look around your own friends network and see where you fit in.
5.Your immediate Family
6. Finding a inner purpose for this life
7.Walk in Perfect trust and Perfect Belief
8. Enjoy what life has to offer
I will continue to add on this page and add more information
Love and Light - Many Blessings
Written By Michael Barnett

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Auric Cleansing And Protection Exercise

Auric Cleansing and Protection

This is a very easy exercise to do everyday, This exercise is designed to assist with protection and other peoples energy effecting us and it assists in removing all negativity.

1. When u wake up in the morning and have your shower this is the best time to do it.  Stand in shower close your eyes and relax:) visualizing the water running down your body and letting all the negativity go down into the drain spend  minute or two visualizing this.

2. Once you are happy, then u can begin the exercise. First colour to visualize is the colour Yellow starting from the tips of your toes working slowly up to your head, (so your whole body is covered in yellow) The colour yellow represents - Protection. Once that is complete moving onto your next colour.

3. You do the same as above except changing the colour to Silver, again starting from tips of toes working your way up to your head, Hold the colour. The colour silver deflects all negativity away from you. Once u are comfortable we move onto the final colour.

4. You do the same as above except changing the colour to Pink, Again starting from tips of toes working your way up to your head, Hold the colour. The colour Pink represents unconditional love. Once you have completed the colour just spend a few minutes on visualizing or saying a strong positive affirmation.

This exercise takes a little time to getting use to it and remembering to do it, But once its done a few times it becomes second nature, its important to maintain the exercise as energy effects people differently and can effect life in general, work, family, friends, relationships and decisions.

Love and Light , Many Blessings


Friday, 27 June 2014

Learning From Spirit - Freedom


Ask yourself, So what is freedom? How do you define Freedom?

Freedom is something we all can take for granted, Everyday we are free to leave the house, catch up with friends, enjoy a nice meal out as the list goes on.

The next question to ask yourself, Is what would you do if  you couldn't choose on what you wish to believe and choose your own path? Where would you be in 5yrs from without that aspect of life.

Spirit doesnt make you believe or follow them, why you might say that is not because of freedom of speech or your choice.

Its because your spirit is as part of you as much as your brain or your beating heart with out those two working together you wouldn't be alive.

Spiritual essence is just as natural as the air we breathe, Its always around us, we all mightn't be able to see that its the invisible energy that is around us and it can effect us in the way we feel or make choices.

Sometimes you might go shopping and you come back home exhausted that's not because you shopped the house down, its because other people's energy can transfer onto our own.

Its important to look after your spirit it holds many memories from the past to now, Your spirit has traveled even thou you might haven't physically traveled.

Without our spirit to guide us, help us, comfort us, share their wisdom and knowledge its just like losing your freedom and building a prison for yourself.

Your spirit is uniquely different to anybodies else it holds many answers you might seek and connects us with like minded people to learn from but its important for you to seek and find your own path of enlightenment, it may take many life times but unless you connect and look after your spirit you might find yourself lost within the mists and your spirit is there to make life easier to go through rather then on your own.

Love and Light

Many Blessings

Michael Barnett

Monday, 23 June 2014

Universal Love

                                       Universal Love

Everyone deserves the nurturing and love of spirit as well as learning to love ones self.

We give some much love to other people, we forget to replace it with bringing love back to yourself, which is the most important thing in life, People can feel, see, hear and know, spirit gives us those as gifts so we can love people for them.

 We are individuals, We are all different, In the eyes of spirit we are all loved just as much, We are equal no man or women is better, As soon as we judge people, We are reflecting that energy back to ourselves, How ever if we love people and respect them, We will get that in return.

Let Spirit take your hand and let them guide you to your desired path, For life is relatively short as their is no time in spiritual realm, Don't waste what time we have on earth for we all have work to do, Lets together work on healing each other and give back what gift spirit has given us this lifetime. For your purpose  this life is what you can give to people, which at times can be a lonely world.

We are all universal love, Lets drive that bus of love and acceptance everywhere you may go this life.

By Michael Barnett

Sunday, 22 June 2014


                                          QUOTE FROM THE LOVE OF SPIRIT


Everyday we get up and go through our routine, Whether that is going to work, getting children ready, looking after family, pets, friends as the list grows, We tend to forget about ourselves, Spirit is always around us, They remind us that at times we need to be still and listen to our inner voice that inner child's voice that can so easily be forgotten.

At times things can get out of hand and we can be lost and hit rock bottom, which at the time isn't pleasant, People need to look at it as a positive, The only way is up, sometimes we need to fall before we can learn to walk again.

Let spirit be apart of your life, Listen to your inner child, give your soul the nurturing that u deserve.

Spirit are always walking alongside of us, they guide us to were we need to be at the time even when the road isn't clear, Let spirit lift the fog so you can find yourself again.

It takes time to heal, but in the end, spirit will always see you through the toughest times in ones life.

Love And Light , Many Blessings

Michael :)   

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Celestial World Australia Community Google Group

                               Celestial World Australia Community Group

Hi everyone, Celestial World Australia has started a new community group on Google communities, This group will be very interactive, lots of topics will be discussed the group is designed to invite new people into the group so they can learn more about their own unique spiritual path.

I encourage ongoing discussions, connecting with similar people on their spiritual path, The topics will range from Spirituality, Wicca, Paganism, Druidism, Psychic development, Spiritual Healing, Understanding Dreams, and many more topics.

Feel free to join the new community, and i look forward in chatting with you all and may spirit walk alongside you and touch your very soul.

I wish everyone the very best in their spiritual path and may your soul be enlightened.

Love and Light

Many Blessings


Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Understanding The Secrets Of Dreams

                                             Interpreting our dreams

Every night we dream, sometimes we don't remember them, and other times they can be as very clear as if we have either lived it or feels real.

When we sleep it gives the chance for our brain to unwind and release excess energy, with out sleep  our brain finding a way to release it can be comprimsed and effect our day to day routine either at work, with family it can make it difficult for you to concreate on tasks.

Even thou people cant always remember their dreams or don't think we do, everyone dreams, i will add a exercise to assist people in remembering their dreams.

That is why sleep is very important and allowing your brain to rest and recharge.

Understanding the meanings or decrypting our dreams dates back ions (long time) to the great prophets, even Mose's found ways to understand and interpret their dreams.

On this blog im looking for people who have had unusual or strange dreams, i will endeavor to answer as many dreams as possible for people and help them understand and work out the meanings of their dreams. 

I will continue to add and edit this page adding new meanings and ways to awaken your sub-conscious mind.

So please post your dreams and ill discuss the meanings and gradually build up a dream dictionary and will add further information on my website.

Love and Light

Many Blessings

Celestial World Australia

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Celestial World Australia Services

                                Celestial World Australia Services

Celestial World Australia provides many services for the community please find a list of services for more information feel free to email or go to following website

Celestial World Australia Services:

1. Spiritual Counseling

2. Spiritual Healing

3. Spiritual Readings - Mediumship,Clairvoyance,Tarot Card 

4. New Age Courses Available

5. Paranormal Investigations and House Cleansing all cases are kept confidential

6. Spiritual Development Classes consisting on One and One or Group Development Classes.

7. Psychic Parties for minimum of 4 people or a Business theme nights

Celestial World Australia will keep everyone update and people may join Celestial World Australia membership subscription with plenty of new age tips, ways to cleanse houses, Holistic Health, your star signs and competitions.

Feel free to find me on Twitter and Facebook groups for regular updates.

I wish everyone the best of luck in their own spiritual path, Many Blessings

Love And Light