Interpreting our dreams
Every night we dream, sometimes we don't remember them, and other times they can be as very clear as if we have either lived it or feels real.
When we sleep it gives the chance for our brain to unwind and release excess energy, with out sleep our brain finding a way to release it can be comprimsed and effect our day to day routine either at work, with family it can make it difficult for you to concreate on tasks.
Even thou people cant always remember their dreams or don't think we do, everyone dreams, i will add a exercise to assist people in remembering their dreams.
That is why sleep is very important and allowing your brain to rest and recharge.
Understanding the meanings or decrypting our dreams dates back ions (long time) to the great prophets, even Mose's found ways to understand and interpret their dreams.
On this blog im looking for people who have had unusual or strange dreams, i will endeavor to answer as many dreams as possible for people and help them understand and work out the meanings of their dreams.
I will continue to add and edit this page adding new meanings and ways to awaken your sub-conscious mind.
So please post your dreams and ill discuss the meanings and gradually build up a dream dictionary and will add further information on my website.
Love and Light
Many Blessings
Celestial World Australia
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