Tuesday, 3 February 2015


Everyday we go through the same routines, We get up go to work or do our jobs around the place. Very rarely do people stop and slow down to search deeper into oneself.

People have tendency to give up when life can be hard times, everyone goes through a period where there is pain, sorrow and grief.

People ask why does these things happened to me? Life isn't easily understood and sometimes answers may linger, but the important aspect is that where there is darkness, there is always light.

We all feel lonely, depressed or forgotten at same stage in life, its these feelings that can make you stronger, Spirit knows life isn't meant to be easy or totally understood, when we weep, cry or are afraid, spirit is always alongside you sending you words of encouragement and making ways to establish love, peace, strength, inner wisdom and knowing that we are never alone.

Give the love and healing touch a chance to work wonders with your inner self.

Its always darkest just before dawn, but then the sun rises and there is light once more.

Spirit loves us always and they wont leave u or forget about you, in fact they love us even more when we make mistakes or feeling vulnerable, because that is when the real miracles can take place.

 Many Blessings
Love and Light

Michael Barnett
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